Source code for kozmic.models

# coding: utf-8
import itertools
import datetime
import collections
import hashlib
import os.path
import logging

import github3
import sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql
import flask
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from flask.ext.login import UserMixin
from flask.ext.principal import Identity
from flask.ext.mail import Message
from werkzeug.utils import cached_property
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

from . import db, mail, perms, docker_utils
from .utils import JSONEncodedDict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


# NOTE: This method override original method create_status,
# add ability to set context for new github api
# TODO: remove this when update to 1.0.0 version
def create_status(self, sha, state, target_url='', description='', context=None):
    json = {}
    if sha and state:
        data = {'state': state, 'target_url': target_url,
                'description': description, 'context': context}
        url = self._build_url('statuses', sha, base_url=self._api)
        json = self._json(self._post(url, data=data), 201)

    return github3.repos.status.Status(json) if json else None

github3.repos.repo.Repository.create_status = create_status

[docs]class RepositoryBase(object): """A base repository class to be used by :class:`HasRepositories` mixin.""" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) #: GitHub id gh_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) #: GitHub name (i.e., kozmic) gh_name = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: GitHub full name (i.e., aromanovich/kozmic) gh_full_name = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: SSH clone url gh_ssh_clone_url = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: HTTPS clone url gh_https_clone_url = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: Is the repository public? is_public = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) @classmethod
[docs] def from_gh_repo(cls, gh_repo): """Constructs an instance of `cls` from `gh_repo`. :type gh_repo: :class:`github3.repos.repo.Repository` """ return cls(,, gh_full_name=gh_repo.full_name, gh_ssh_clone_url=gh_repo.ssh_url, gh_https_clone_url=gh_repo.clone_url, is_public=not gh_repo.private)
[docs]class HasRepositories(object): """Mixin that adds :attr:`repositories` relationship to the model. Repositories are stored in separate tables for each parent. :attr:`Repository` attribute contains model (inherited from :class:`RepositoryBase`) mapped to the parent's repositories table. This pattern is well described in `"Hand Coded Applications with SQLAlchemy" presentation <>`_ by Mike Bayer. """ @declared_attr def repositories(cls): parent_id = db.Column( '{}_id'.format(cls.__tablename__), db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('{}.id'.format(cls.__tablename__)), nullable=False) cls.Repository = type( '{}Repository'.format(cls.__name__), (RepositoryBase, db.Model), { '__tablename__': '{}_repository'.format(cls.__tablename__), 'parent_id': parent_id, }) return db.relationship(cls.Repository, backref='parent', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all')
[docs]class User(HasRepositories, db.Model, UserMixin): """User account. .. attribute:: repositories Set of user repositories. .. attribute:: organizations Set of user organizations in which user has admin rights to at least one repository (see :class:`Organization`). """ id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) #: GitHub user id gh_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, unique=True) #: GitHub user login gh_login = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False, unique=True) #: Human-readable GitHub name gh_name = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: OAuth access token gh_access_token = db.Column(db.String(100), nullable=False) #: GitHub avatar URL gh_avatar_url = db.Column(db.String(500), nullable=False) #: The last time when the user's repositories and organizations #: were synced with GitHub repos_last_synchronized_at = db.Column(db.DateTime) #: E-mail address email = db.Column(db.String(1000)) def __repr__(self): return (u'<User #{} gh_id={0.gh_id} gh_login={0.gh_login}>' .format(self).encode('utf-8'))
[docs] def get_identity(self): """Returns user's :class:`flask.ext.principal.Identity`.""" identity = Identity( for membership in self.memberships: if membership.allows_management: need = perms.project_manager(membership.project_id) else: need = perms.project_member(membership.project_id) identity.provides.add(need) for project in self.owned_projects: identity.provides.add(perms.project_owner( return identity
[docs] def get_available_projects(self, annotate_with_latest_builds=False): """Returns list of :class:`Projects` that user has access to. If `annotate_with_latest_builds` is specified, returns list of pairs (:class:`Projects`, :class:`Build`) where the second element is the latest project build or ``None`` if the project was never built. """ q = self.owned_projects.union(self.projects) if annotate_with_latest_builds: q = q.outerjoin(Build).filter(db.or_( == None, Build.created_at ==[db.func.max(Build.created_at)]) .where(Build.project_id == )).order_by(Build.created_at.desc()).with_entities(Project, Build) return q.all()
[docs] def gh(self): """An authenticated GitHub session for this user. :type: :class:`github3.github.GitHub` """ return github3.login(token=self.gh_access_token)
[docs] def get_gh_org_repos(self): """Retrieves data from GitHub API and returns a pair of values: 1. :class:`set` of :class:`github3.orgs.Organization` in which the current user has at least one repository with admin rights; 2. :class:`dict` mapping these organization' ids to lists of :class:`github3.repo.Repository` to which the current user has admin access. :type gh: :class:`github3.github.GitHub` of the current user """ gh_orgs = set() gh_repos_by_org_id = collections.defaultdict(list) for gh_team in if gh_team.permission != 'admin': continue gh_org = github3.orgs.Organization(gh_team.to_json()['organization']) gh_orgs.add(gh_org) for gh_repo in gh_team.iter_repos(): if gh_repo not in gh_repos_by_org_id[]: # The same repo can be in multiple teams -- # append only if we haven't seen `gh_repo` before gh_repos_by_org_id[].append(gh_repo) return gh_orgs, gh_repos_by_org_id
[docs] def get_gh_repos(self): """Retrieves data from GitHub API and returns a list of the user owned repositories. :rtype: list of :class:`github3.repo.Repository` """ return list('owner'))
[docs] def sync_memberships_with_github(self): """Does the same as :meth:`Project.sync_memberships_with_github`, but for the user. Returns True if there were not any GitHub errors; False otherwise. """ assert for membership in self.memberships: db.session.delete(membership) github_data = collections.defaultdict(lambda: False) try: for gh_team in for gh_repo in gh_team.iter_repos(): github_data[] |= gh_team.permission in ('admin', 'push') for gh_repo in'all'): # iter_repos lists only repositories owned by users, not ogranizations. # Type "all" means both repositories owned by the logged in user and # repositories owned by another users in which the logged in user # is a collaborator. # Collaborator of a user repository always have push rights: github_data[] = True except github3.GitHubError as e: logger.warning( 'Failed to synchronize {user!r}\'s memberships with GitHub ' 'due to {e!r}. Errors: {e.errors!r}'.format(user=self, e=e)) return False for gh_repo_id, can_manage in github_data.iteritems(): project = Project.query.filter_by(gh_id=gh_repo_id).first() if not project or == continue membership = Membership( project=project, user=self, allows_management=can_manage) db.session.add(membership) return True
[docs]class Organization(HasRepositories, db.Model): """Stores a set of organization repositories that a user has admin access to. Different Kozmic users, but members of the same GitHub organization, will have their own :class:`Organization` entries with possibly different sets of repositories (because they are possibly members of different teams). .. attribute:: repositories """ id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: GitHub organization id gh_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, index=True) #: GitHub organization login gh_login = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: Human-readable GitHub name gh_name = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: :class:`User` whose admin rights is reflected by this organization user = db.relationship( 'User', backref=db.backref('organizations', lazy='dynamic'))
class Membership(db.Model): project_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) allows_management = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False) user = db.relationship( 'User', backref=db.backref('memberships', lazy='dynamic')) project = db.relationship( 'Project', backref=db.backref('memberships', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all')) def __repr__(self): return (u'<Membership {0!r} {1!r}>' .format(self.user, self.project).encode('utf-8'))
[docs]class DeployKey(db.Model): """An RSA deploy key pair.""" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) project_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: GitHub deploy key id gh_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) #: RSA private deploy key in PEM format encrypted with the app secret key rsa_private_key = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) #: RSA public deploy key in OpenSSH format rsa_public_key = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) def __init__(self, passphrase, key_size=2048): rsa_key = RSA.generate(key_size) self.rsa_private_key = rsa_key.exportKey(format='PEM', passphrase=passphrase) self.rsa_public_key = rsa_key.publickey().exportKey(format='OpenSSH') def _get_gh_key(self): return (None if self.gh_id in (None, MISSING_ID) else
[docs] def ensure(self): """If the corresponding GitHub deploy key does not exist, creates it. Returns True if there weren't GitHub API errors; False otherwise. """ try: gh_key = self._get_gh_key() if gh_key: return True gh_key ='Kozmic CI key', self.rsa_public_key) self.gh_id = except github3.GitHubError as e: logger.warning( 'DeployKey.ensure call has failed due to {e!r}. ' 'Errors: {e.errors!r}'.format(project=self.project, e=e)) return False else: return True
[docs] def delete(self): """Deletes the public key from GitHub. Returns True if it has been successfully deleted (or was missing); False otherwise. """ db.session.delete(self) try: gh_key = self._get_gh_key() if not gh_key: return True gh_key.delete() except github3.GitHubError as e: logger.warning( 'DeployKey.delete call has failed due to {e!r}. ' 'Errors: {e.errors!r}'.format(project=self.project, e=e)) return False else: return True
[docs]class Project(db.Model): """Project is a GitHub repository that is being watched by Kozmic CI. """ id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) owner_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: GitHub repo id gh_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, unique=True) #: GitHub repo name (i.e., kozmic) gh_name = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: GitHub repo full name (i.e., aromanovich/kozmic) gh_full_name = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: GitHub repo owner (user or organization) login gh_login = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: SSH repo clone url gh_ssh_clone_url = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: HTTPS clone url gh_https_clone_url = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: Is the project's repository public? is_public = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False) #: Deploy key deploy_key = db.relationship( 'DeployKey', cascade='all', uselist=False, backref=db.backref('project')) #: Project members members = db.relationship( 'User', secondary=Membership.__tablename__, lazy='dynamic', viewonly=True, backref=db.backref('projects', lazy='dynamic', viewonly=True)) #: Project owner owner = db.relationship( 'User', backref=db.backref('owned_projects', lazy='dynamic')) def __repr__(self): return (u'<Project #{} "{0.gh_full_name}">' .format(self).encode('utf-8')) @property def passphrase(self): secret_key_w_salt = '{}:{}'.format( self.gh_id, flask.current_app.config['SECRET_KEY']) return hashlib.sha256(secret_key_w_salt).hexdigest() @cached_property
[docs] def gh(self): """Project's GitHub. :type: :class:`github3.repos.Repository` """ return, self.gh_name)
[docs] def delete(self): """Deletes the project and it's corresponding GitHub entities such as hooks, deploy key, etc. Returns True if they all have been successfully deleted (or were missing); False otherwise. """ db.session.delete(self) rv = True if not self.is_public: rv &= self.deploy_key.delete() for hook in self.hooks: rv &= hook.delete() if not rv: break return rv
[docs] def get_latest_build(self, ref=None): """ :rtype: :class:`Build` """ builds = self.builds.order_by(Build.number.desc()) if ref: builds = builds.filter_by(gh_commit_ref=ref) return builds.first()
[docs] def sync_memberships_with_github(self): """Synchronizes project members with GitHub. GitHub _repository members_ with admin and push rights become :term:`project managers`, other _repository members_ become :term:`project members`. Returns True if there were not any GitHub errors; False otherwise. """ for membership in self.memberships: db.session.delete(membership) github_data = collections.defaultdict(lambda: False) try: if == 'Organization': gh_teams = # The Owners team is not listed in /repos/:org/:repo/teams and # it is "expected behaviour currently", but it's members # definitely have admin access to the repository. # The workaround is to find the Owners team "manually" by # iterating through all the organization teams. for gh_team in # Note: owners team can not be renamed, so it's completely # OK to search for it by name if == 'Owners': gh_teams = itertools.chain([gh_team], gh_teams) for gh_team in gh_teams: for gh_user in gh_team.iter_members(): github_data[] |= gh_team.permission in ('admin', 'push') elif == 'User': for gh_user in # Collaborator of a user repository always have push right github_data[] = True except github3.GitHubError as e: logger.warning( 'Failed to synchronize {project!r}\'s memberships with GitHub ' 'due to {e!r}. Errors: {e.errors!r}'.format(project=self, e=e)) return False for gh_user_id, can_manage in github_data.iteritems(): user = User.query.filter_by(gh_id=gh_user_id).first() if not user or == continue membership = Membership( project=self, user=user, allows_management=can_manage) db.session.add(membership) return True
[docs]class Hook(db.Model): """Reflects a GitHub hook.""" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) project_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: GitHub hook id gh_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) #: Title title = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: Install script install_script = db.Column(db.Text) #: Script to be run at hook call build_script = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False) #: Name of a Docker image to run build script in #: (for example, "ubuntu" or "aromanovich/ubuntu-kozmic"). #: Specified docker image is pulled from before build docker_image = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: Project project = db.relationship( Project, backref=db.backref('hooks', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all'))
[docs] def ensure(self): """If the corresponding GitHub hook does not exist, creates it. If it exists, but has wrong configuration, re-configures it. Returns True if there weren't GitHub API errors; False otherwise. """ assert events = ['push', 'pull_request'] config = { 'url': flask.url_for('builds.hook',, _external=True), 'content_type': 'json', } try: gh_hook = ( if self.gh_id not in (None, MISSING_ID) else None) if gh_hook: if != events or gh_hook.config != config: gh_hook.edit(config=config, events=events) else: gh_hook = name='web', config=config, events=events, active=True) except github3.GitHubError as e: logger.warning( 'GitHub API call to create {project!r}\'s hook has failed. ' 'The exception is "{e!r} and with errors {e.errors!r}.".'.format( project=self.project, e=e)) return False else: self.gh_id = return True
[docs] def delete(self): """Deletes the project hook. Returns True if it's corresponding GitHub hook is missing or has been successfully deleted; False otherwise. """ db.session.delete(self) try: gh_hook = if not gh_hook: # Probably it was deleted manually using GitHub interface, it's OK return True gh_hook.delete() except github3.GitHubError as exc: logger.warning( 'GitHub API call to delete {hook!r} has failed. ' 'The exception is "{exc!r} and it\'s errors are ' '{errors!r}.".'.format(hook=self, exc=exc, errors=exc.errors)) return False else: return True
[docs]class TrackedFile(db.Model): """Reflecs a :term:`tracked file`.""" __table_args__ = ( db.UniqueConstraint('hook_id', 'path', name='unique_tracked_file_within_hook'), ) id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) hook_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: Path within git repository # Specify utf8_bin for case-sensitive collation path = db.Column(db.String(250, collation='utf8_bin'), nullable=False) #: Hook hook = db.relationship( Hook, backref=db.backref('tracked_files', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all'))
[docs]class Build(db.Model): """Reflects a project commit that triggered a project hook.""" __table_args__ = ( db.UniqueConstraint('project_id', 'gh_commit_ref', 'gh_commit_sha', name='unique_ref_and_sha_within_project'), ) id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) project_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: Build number (within a project) number = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, index=True) #: Commit reference (branch on which the commit was pushed) gh_commit_ref = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: Commit SHA gh_commit_sha = db.Column(db.String(40), nullable=False) #: Commit author gh_commit_author = db.Column(db.String(200), nullable=False) #: Commit message gh_commit_message = db.Column(db.String(2000), nullable=False) #: Created at created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, index=True, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) #: Build status, one of the following strings: #: 'enqueued', 'success', 'pending', 'failure', 'error' status = db.Column(db.String(40), nullable=False) #: Project project = db.relationship( Project, backref=db.backref('builds', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all'))
[docs] def calculate_number(self): """Computes and sets :attr:`number`.""" last_number = self.project.builds.with_entities( db.func.max(Build.number)).scalar() or 0 self.number = last_number + 1
@property def started_at(self): """Time the first job has started or None if there is no started jobs yet. """ started_ats = filter(bool, [job.started_at for job in]) return started_ats and min(started_ats) or None @property def finished_at(self): """Time the last job has finished or None if there is no finished jobs yet. """ finished_ats = filter(bool, [job.finished_at for job in]) return finished_ats and min(finished_ats) or None
[docs] def set_status(self, status, target_url='', description=''): """Sets :attr:`status` and posts it on GitHub.""" assert status in ('enqueued', 'success', 'pending', 'failure', 'error') if self.status == status: return self.status = status if self.status != 'enqueued': self.gh_commit_sha, status, target_url=target_url or self.url, description=description, context='Kozmic-CI') if (flask.current_app.config['KOZMIC_ENABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS'] and self.status in ('failure', 'error')): header_template = u'[{status}] {project}#{build_number} ({ref} — {sha})' html_template = '<p><a href="{url}">{description}</a></p>' header = header_template.format( status=self.status, project=self.project.gh_full_name, build_number=self.number, sha=self.gh_commit_sha[:8], ref=self.gh_commit_ref) html = html_template.format( url=target_url or self.url, description=description or 'The build has failed.') members = [self.project.owner] + self.project.members.all() recipients = [ for member in members if] if recipients: message = Message( header, html=html, recipients=recipients) mail.send(message)
@property def url(self): return flask.url_for( '',, def get_github_com_commit_url(self): return ('{0.project.gh_full_name}/' 'commit/{0.gh_commit_sha}'.format(self))
[docs]class HookCall(db.Model): """Reflects a fact that GitHub triggered a project hook.""" __table_args__ = ( db.UniqueConstraint('build_id', 'hook_id', name='unique_hook_call_within_build'), ) id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) # Allow hook_id be null because we don't want to lose all the hook calls # data when a manager deletes the hook hook_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='SET NULL')) build_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: Created at created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) #: JSON payload from a GitHub webhook request gh_payload = db.deferred(db.Column(JSONEncodedDict, nullable=False)) #: Hook hook = db.relationship(Hook, backref=db.backref('calls', lazy='dynamic')) #: Build build = db.relationship( Build, backref=db.backref('hook_calls', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all'))
[docs]class Job(db.Model): """A job that caused by a hook call.""" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) build_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) hook_call_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) #: Time the job has started or None started_at = db.Column(db.DateTime) #: Time the job has finished or None finished_at = db.Column(db.DateTime) #: Return code return_code = db.Column(db.Integer) #: Job log stdout = db.deferred(db.Column(sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.MEDIUMBLOB)) #: uuid of a Celery task that is running a job task_uuid = db.Column(db.String(36)) #: :class:`Build` build = db.relationship( Build, backref=db.backref('jobs', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all')) #: :class:`HookCall` hook_call = db.relationship('HookCall') def __repr__(self): return u'<Job #{}>'.format(self).encode('utf-8')
[docs] def get_cache_id(self): """Returns a string that can be used for tagging a Docker image built from the install script. A cache id changes whenever the base Docker image, the install script or any of the :term:`tracked files` is changed. .. note:: Requires that Docker is running and Docker base image (:attr:`self.hook_call.hook.docker_image`) is pulled. """ hook = self.hook_call.hook gh = commit_sha = docker_image_id = docker_utils.get_docker_image_id( *hook.docker_image.rsplit(':')) assert docker_image_id hash_parts = [docker_image_id, hook.install_script] for tracked_file in hook.tracked_files.order_by(TrackedFile.path): path = tracked_file.path # GitHub API wants to see paths relative to the repo directory # ("./basic.txt" does not work, whereas "basic.txt" does) path = os.path.relpath(path, start='.') if path == '.': # Special case: os.path.relpath('.', start='.') returns ".", # but GitHub API wants to see "/" or "". path = '' contents = gh.contents(path, ref=commit_sha) if isinstance(contents, dict): # `contents` represents a directory. Add all its entries # to the hash for file_path, file_contents in contents.iteritems(): hash_parts.append(file_path + file_contents.sha) elif contents: # `contents` represents a regular file hash_parts.append(path + contents.sha) else: # `path` does not exist. But it's still necessary to include # it in the hash to be able to detect file removals hash_parts.append(path) return hashlib.sha256(''.join(hash_parts)).hexdigest()
[docs] def started(self): """Sets :attr:`started_at` and updates :attr:`build` status. **Must** be called when the job is started. """ self.started_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow() self.finished_at = None description = 'Kozmic build #{0} is pending'.format('pending', description=description)
[docs] def finished(self, return_code): """Sets :attr:`finished_at` and updates :attr:`build` status. **Must** be called when the job is finished. """ self.return_code = return_code self.finished_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if return_code != 0: description = ( 'Kozmic build #{0} has failed ' 'because of the "{1}" job'.format(, self.hook_call.hook.title))'failure', description=description) return jobs = all_other_jobs_finished = all(job.finished_at for job in jobs if != all_other_jobs_succeeded = all(job.return_code == 0 for job in jobs if != if all_other_jobs_finished and all_other_jobs_succeeded: description = 'Kozmic build #{0} has passed'.format('success', description=description) return
@property def tailer_url(self): """URL of a websocket that streams a job log in realtime.""" return flask.current_app.config['TAILER_URL_TEMPLATE'].format( job_id=self.task_uuid) @property def permanent_url(self): """A permanent URL of the job.""" return flask.url_for('.job',,,
[docs] def is_finished(self): """Is the job finished?""" return self.status in ('success', 'failure', 'error')
@property def status(self): """One of the following values: 'enqueued', 'success', 'pending', 'failure', 'error'. """ if not self.started_at: return 'enqueued' elif self.started_at and not self.finished_at: return 'pending' elif self.finished_at: if self.return_code == 0: return 'success' else: return 'failure'